Tuesday 4 December 2007

First feedback

That Monday was very interesting!
Russian iPhone users helped to find one bug with unicode processing and pointed on a lack of help on registration process. I have fixed both.
Some users asked to create public forum or place where thay can share codes. I like that you need it. Practically, I have planned to do it later but now I have to change my mind.

Then, I have got comments from Semacode team. The main difference between our projects is that I try to establish e-ticketing or mobile commerce platform and I'm not so interested in simple code recognition. Therefore, I need small and reliable code that can be decoded by majority of phones, not iPhone only. For that task I cannot use textual information, encode URLS as text. I can rely on short and well compressed string of digits.
Also, I what to make each code dynamic but not seal it immediately after creation.


Anonymous said...

nice work! welcome to the mac. :)

Anonymous said...

awesome program. contacts don't import correctly for me when testing it. Here is what I found on my 1.0.2 iPhone:

1. If you enter home and work information (email and phone), home info is stored as "mobile" and work info is stored as "other".

2. You cannot edit the entered information for the work phone and address entries when both home and work info is entered.

3. City gets stored in the Postal code field on the iPhone

4. Country gets stored in the City field

5. State gets stored in the Post Code field

6. The end date for an all day event gets stored as one day before the start date (e.g., end date = start date -1)

Other than those minor bugs, it's a really useful program. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Love the app been playing with it for hours, love it.
I only seem to be able to read codes i have created on your site, have tried reading other codes to no success i.e wickipedia QR Code. I have also downloaded another QR Code reader for my mac which reads all other codes apart from the codes created with imatrix.

have you any plans to make app work with all QR Codes?

Anonymous said...


Very nicely done. Congratulations. I was wondering why I'd not heard of this then of course read that your site and posting is still less than a month old. I feel privileged to have found it so early.

As this has me considering a real application a few questions:

1) How is this fundamentally different from other 2D barcodes?

2) Are there minimum sizes to be able to read the code with a camera?

3) Do you anticipate this being used with Java development kits for applications on other camera-enabled phones?

4) Your site notes that it can be used for non-commercial applications, yet unless I missed something all of the applications you suggested were all commercial, such as the ticketing app. Is that correct? Should those interested in commercial applications contact you for development for licensing and such?

Good luck with it!